Milan is surely the spiritual home of
Klyukin’s Genius Library homage to
Leonardo da Vinci.
Da Vinci, who will be eternally recognised
as the epitome of the Renaissance
humanist ideal, spent his early life in the
city. Klyukin’s sculpture was created by using movable polished copper plates,
each engraved with representations of da Vinci’s work, creating a three
dimensional form of the Italian Renaissance Polymath from two dimensional
elements. They show us that individuals are not entities in themselves, but a sum
of their dreams, achievements and ambitions.
The construction method and materials reflect Klyukin’s observation that “heritage
doesn’t turn into ashes when burnt, it doesn’t disappear. Instead, it leaves a mark
on history, forever immortalizing its creator. The sculpture are called “live”
because even when fully assembled most of their elements remain fully moving
components. Drawing on his architect’s experience Vasiliy Klyukin has developed
his own technique that allows to assemble and disassembled the work of art
without using any kinds of fastening mechanisms.
Every art piece is a set of metal plates that once assembled take up a pre-defined
shape. There is no casting, wielding or even bolts in his art-pieces. Each metal
plate has cut-out slots therefore the next metal plate fits into it. The width of the
slots is a result of precise calculation, and all slots taken together make up the
carryin axle.
His white tiger sculpture reminds us that even creatures at the top of their
food chain are subject to the same frailties and threats as those at the
bottom. White tigers are nearing extinction and the collapsible
construction method he has used reminds us how flimsy all life can be
when it is not protected and cherished.
This incredible three meters long “live” tiger “6/9” piece was named the
first art lot of the Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation (LDF) auction in Saint
Tropez. The artist has participated with his sculpture at the several world
known auction in Europe and in USA. The “Dancing Fairy” sculpture was
successfully sold for euros 300,000 at the Amfar charity auction in
Cannes to Leonard Blavatnik.
In 2017 Klyukin’s statue the Golden Madonnina was chosen as the official
trophy of The Design Prize Award.
The installation “The Heart” was presented at the Burning Man 2017 and
at the Sinergy Global Forum at Madison Square Garden.
The sculpture “Angel of Luzern” has been placed in the art park in
Switzerland as one of the main public art objects.
“Once Vasily Klyukin’s art show will kill the art world.” Charles Saatchi
“Amazing artist, fabulous works” Simon de Pury
“So phenomenal!!! It’s a fragmented sculpture for a species in decline!”
Leonardo DiCaprio